What are the web accessibility tools?


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Hello, I’m having trouble finding some tools or tutorials that allow me to implement accessibility features in my college project.

I would like to know how to implement accessibility features in a system web and if there are frameworks who can do this job.

I’m using Web Forms and Master Page in the visual Studio, the programming of the system is in C#. I would like the tools presented to help also work with this technology without conflicts.

Just to complement, accessibility features are those that allow disabled people to use the system, many people confuse accessibility with responsiveness that is what allows the system to be accessed by various devices with different screen sizes.

An example of accessibility would be to modify the colors so Color Blindness carriers can differentiate the page elements. I wish my system could be accessible to some visually impaired.

The Accessibility features I’m looking for are font enhancers and the feature that allows you to modify the page’s color style. Because I believe that only these two already help enough users.

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    Hello your question seems to be based on opinions , and questions based on opinions are outside the scope of the site understand ? try reformulating to something like "What are the accessibility tools for web ? " mention your doubt relating the concepts in involved . etc ( I know almost nothing about it so I won’t be able to suggest much to you ).

  • Okay I’ve reformatted the question, what I’ve realized is that it’s very difficult to find anything that allows you to implement accessibility in web systems.

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    "indicate me some tutorial or a framework" could be exchanged for example "what are the ways to implement accessibility features in the development of my site ? ."(just one example serves you? ) and an interesting theme , soon the experts on the subject will tell you something rs , except that your statement at the moment is still in the format "Can someone give me a suggestion ? " got it ? this fits into questions based on opinions ^^.

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    Thanks for the tip

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    Antonio, if you specify the technologies you intend to use, it will be easier for someone to help you.

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    Ready friend, I have already specified the technologies I am using, I hope this helps. Thanks for the tip

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    I disagree that your question is based on opinions. Still, the way it is now it seems to me too broad. Accessibility is a vast subject, and methods or tools will depend on the type of difficulty your system users will have. For example, color blindness is a specific type of visual difficulty, but there are others (ranging up to complete blindness). There are also motor, cognitive, auditory difficulties, and so on.

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    Thus, it might be more interesting for you to edit the question to include details of your system’s users and focus on some concrete example of the interface/interaction you are working on. Remember: you can open more than one question, you don’t have to expect to have all the answers with just this one.

  • Ok, I will specify in the post exactly what features I plan to put and hope so I get help.

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