Ways to inform address


Viewed 82 times


Good afternoon people,

I have a question not very technical, but ways to get information.

Here at the company we have a form for our users to inform service addresses. This form has the automatic and manual option.

The automatically has only one field, where it enters the address, clicks a button, the system searches the address in google and returns, if found. (EX: Avenida Paulista, 1800, Jardins, São Paulo)

If not found, the user can enter manually, where we have: 4 Dropdown (State, City, Neighborhood and Region) and 4 Textbox (Address, number, complement, Zip).

The question is: we are in a redesign of the search, we will do the automatic part via google’s Javascript API, more intuitively and quickly, but we still need a manual report if google does not find the address. What other ways would you have to get a complete address without eight components? It ends up being very slow, going to the bank to get the city, neighborhood, region. We wanted something more practical, and we are not able to think of anything.

Thank you.

  • I usually use zip webservice, but I don’t pull the detailed address. I leave the zip code box and pick only UF and City - that these usually come right - and eliminate typing or select from two fields. You can use to fill the street as well, and let the user option fix it in case of error. Check out: http://viacep.com.br/exemplo/jquery/

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    I didn’t understand what the problem is, especially to do 8 searches. If it is done right it will take a few milliseconds. If it’s taking too long, there’s something very wrong, but the question isn’t about this.

  • We have a restriction on using external webservices (except google), but it would be interesting if we had a CEP base here in the company to do the search. Thank you.

  • @bigown does not do 8 searches. Research is only for dropdowns, is 4 searches. But the 4 searches go through a WCF that stays on another server to search for the Infos, besides helping the screen is not at all lightweight. So yes, these 4 uploads take longer than desired on the user screen

  • 1

    Then there is something wrong, the problem is not the flow but how it is developing. Some part is doing things that it should not. The only experience I had with WCF was to make the decision never to put my hand on it again. But I don’t know if it’s the biggest explanation. That is, the real problem is not in the question. And I think there is nothing to do to improve anything but fix the problem in the code.

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