Is the window rendered by the gift or does it come before that?


Viewed 58 times


A curiosity: I wonder if the window is rendered by dom when loading the window, as the document is usually window.document.html. Or the dom comes after this parameter?

  • I don’t understand what you mean by "rendered by the GIFT". But Marvinmedeiros' answer clarifies you? Or is it something else you want to know?

1 answer


As the DOM is part of the window object, so the window object needs to come first to render it. See in the documentation of W3schools where it says the following:

Tip: The Document is a part of the Window Object and can be accessed as window.Document.

It means that once the HTML is loaded, it becomes the DOM Object. Logo window is not "rendered" by Document, but rather the other way around.

  • Thank you for the information!

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