How to run a URL by passing C#parameters


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I’m doing for study purposes, a way to search for and bring vehicle information from the FIPE table straight from the api( What I’m unable to do at first is run the URL by passing parameters. For example:

I need to order the list of vehicle brands according to type, passing the type of vehicle (car, motorcycle or truck). I made a combobox with these options to be chosen by the user and stored in a variable of type 'Object'.

Object tipoSelecionado = cmbTipo.SelectedItem;

Now what I can’t do is at the url:[type]/[action]/[parameters]. json pass the variable in the [type] field 'tipoSelecionado' and store the result in Json in the array 'Marcas'.

public class Marcas
            public string key { get; set; }
            public string name { get; set; }
            public string id { get; set; }
            public string fipe_name { get; set; }

Thanks in advance.

  • I do not understand very well what you want, but if the answer does not help you, explain better that I update the same.

1 answer


You can use the Webclient() to do so. This would be an example:

 using (var client = new WebClient())
                //url de destino. Aqui você pode colocar os parâmetros que desejar
                var url = ""; 
                //Download do resultado
                var json = client.DownloadString(url);
                var serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
                //Descerialização em uma lista dinâmica. Pode adequar sua classe, se rpeferir
                var model = serializer.Deserialize<dynamic>(json);


In this example, your variable model already have all the elements that will be returned.

In this answer i have an example of how to implement using Asp.NET MVC.

If you are using Winforms, just do it this way:

Object selectedItem = comboBox1.get_SelectedItem();
using (var client = new WebClient())
                    //url de destino. Aqui você pode colocar os parâmetros que desejar
                    var url = "" + selectedItem.ToString() + "/veiculos/21.json"; 
                    //Download do resultado
                    var json = client.DownloadString(url);
                    var serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
                    //Descerialização em uma lista dinâmica. Pode adequar sua classe, se rpeferir
                    var model = serializer.Deserialize<dynamic>(json);

This way you will concatenate the values in the url.

  • I understood, exactly this that I wanted to understand, only lacked a detail, this is the link of the form that must be requested right ([type]/[acao]/[parametros].jso), see that this link is between brackets the item type([type]). As I put in this exact location the information that was chosen in the combobox that I created to choose the type of vehicle, ie whether it is car, bike or truck?

  • @Stephenwillians I edited the answer. You haven’t explained how you’re doing it or the language. I made based on Windows Forms, if another, edit your question that improve the answer.

  • Sorry @Randrade, but I am using the C# language in Visual Studio 2013. Can I assign the result in an array to be displayed in a Datagridview or Combobox? Ex.: jsList[ ] = serialize.Deserialize<Dynamic>(json);

  • @Stephenwillians It’s already on a list, just add to your DataGridView. If you want more explanations, open another question, I’ll be happy to help.

  • Show @Randrade, thank you so much. Anything else I’ll open another question.

  • In this case I am using C#(Windows Forms) can I exchange var for string? In the Model variable you declared, which format can I use?

  • @Stephenwillians O var gets the type yourself. But if you want to declare, you can, but not by String. In case you would need to declare an object array, this way: object[] model = serializer.Deserialize<dynamic>(json);

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