I am preparing a work and for this I need to use keys in the equations mode as following:
\Delta \eta_{i,j} =
\eta_{i,j},& se\quad aresta\quad i,j\quad foi\quad utilizada \\
0, & se\quad aresta\quad i,j\quad n\tilde{a}o\quad foi\quad utilizada
For this I need to use the
However, when I use this package (I have already run the test including and removing it, it is it that generates the error) in the command call
to generate my references the section title goes wrong. That way
7 *
No formatting at all. It was not to be numbered including this section.
Can someone help me? I don’t know what’s going on.
... "it is he who generates the error" : which error message?
– JJoao
Without the error message, it gets really hard to know what the problem is. Maybe it’s this one? Anyway, prepare a minimum compilable example that reproduces the problem and post it in your question, otherwise we don’t even have to test a resolution suggestion.
– Luiz Vieira