Bower - What is, what is its utility and how to use it?


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In project files and mostly front-end frameworks I’ve seen much, much even the file Bower.json and I believe he’s a file like composer.json, package.json, Gruntfile.js,, so I’d like to know:

  • What is Bower?
  • What use is it?
  • How to use?
  • (Optional) What benefits can I gain by using it?
  • 2

    I think all the answers can be found in readme of the project or us issues. You’re looking for something in English, that’s it?

  • Yes, that’s exactly it. I don’t know much English and translators don’t do a good translation...

1 answer


It is a package manager, which is to install or uninstall packages. You can create a list of dependencies that will be used in your project in a file .bowerrc when installing in any environment, the sections will be installed automatically with the Bower install command.

We can say that the function of the file .bowerrc in the Bower, it’s the same as package.json in NPM. The main difference is that Bower serves to install dependencies that will be used in the client (such as jquery, angular, bootstrap) while NPM handles server dependencies (Grunt, mongodb, express). Even, Bower runs on server, so it can be installed by NPM itself.

To know how to install and use in practice, recommend the official website. Good luck.

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