Align DIV dynamically like a stained glass window


Viewed 62 times


Good afternoon

I’m on a personal project and one of my inspirations is the Google Keep layout, where the Divs line up and fit together as if they were forming a stained glass window. I did some tests aligning the Divs to the left (float: left), but the Divs always respect the height of the end of the largest div that is already on the screen, and there is a white space in some places.

Does anyone have any idea how to do this kind of alignment? For a better idea of what I’m talking about, take a look at this image:

1 answer


I made an example on jsFddle for you to understand the operation, but I’ll also put here:

Basically, you control the columns with the tags column-count and column-gap of the CSS.

.geral{padding: 5px;height: 390px;}
-webkit-column-count: 5;
-webkit-column-gap: 0px;
-webkit-column-fill: auto;
 -moz-column-count: 5;
-moz-column-gap: 5px;
-moz-column-fill: auto;
column-count: 5;
column-gap: 0px;
column-fill: auto;}

.quadrado{width: 100px; height: 150px; background: orange; margin-bottom: 10px; margin-left: 10px;    display: inline-block;
.um{height: 130px}
.dois{height: 180px}
.tres{height: 120px}
.quatro{height: 100px;}
<div class="geral">
  <div class="collum">
      <div class="quadrado"></div>
      <div class="quadrado um"></div>
      <div class="quadrado dois"></div>
      <div class="quadrado"></div>
      <div class="quadrado"></div>
      <div class="quadrado tres"></div>
      <div class="quadrado"></div>
      <div class="quadrado quatro"></div>
      <div class="quadrado"></div>
      <div class="quadrado"></div>

  • Dude, I got it I did some tests here and got very close to what I want, I’m going to go right there Thanks David Damasceno

  • Calm man, if you agree with what you wanted, please mark the answer as accepted.

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