I’m using Xamarin to try to log in with facebook, I already generated the Hash and appid. ( Apparently correct, because previously the app returned me an msg saying that the HASH was invalid ). Follow the code of my Activity:
protected override void OnResume()
// Logs 'install' and 'app activate' App Events.
/// <summary>
/// Register events logs of the facebook
/// </summary>
protected override void OnPause()
public override View OnCreateView(View parent, string name, Context context, IAttributeSet attrs)
return base.OnCreateView(parent, name, context, attrs);
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
var callbackmanage = CallbackManagerFactory.Create();
LoginButton loginbutton = (LoginButton) base.FindViewById(Resource.Id.login_button);
var fcb = new facebookCallBack();
private class facebookCallBack : IFacebookCallback
public IntPtr Handle
return new IntPtr();
public void Dispose()
public void OnCancel()
public void OnError(FacebookException p0)
public void OnSuccess(Java.Lang.Object p0)
It turns out that now when I click the login button, nothing happens. It does not give any error message, nor does it enter callback methods ( OnError
, OnPause
etc), gives absolutely nothing.
That way, I’m lost. Anyone can help?
You didn’t put anything in the methods that
implementam IFacebookCallback
how will you capture the return? See this example: https://gist.github.com/rmenezes/d1a98e18f19c6555c6c2– rubStackOverflow
Thanks for the return. But I had put in the debug, breakpoint in all methods I implemented from Ifacebookcallback. None of them paused. I’ll check the example!
– Paulo