Click on Loginbutton facebook on android using Xamarin with Facebooksdk nothing happens


Viewed 311 times


I’m using Xamarin to try to log in with facebook, I already generated the Hash and appid. ( Apparently correct, because previously the app returned me an msg saying that the HASH was invalid ). Follow the code of my Activity:

    protected override void OnResume()
        // Logs 'install' and 'app activate' App Events.
    /// <summary>
    /// Register events logs of the facebook
    /// </summary>
    protected override void OnPause()
    public override View OnCreateView(View parent, string name, Context context, IAttributeSet attrs)
        return base.OnCreateView(parent, name, context, attrs);
    protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)

        var callbackmanage = CallbackManagerFactory.Create();
        LoginButton loginbutton = (LoginButton) base.FindViewById(Resource.Id.login_button);
        var fcb = new facebookCallBack();



    private class facebookCallBack : IFacebookCallback
        public IntPtr Handle
                return new IntPtr();

        public void Dispose()

        public void OnCancel()


        public void OnError(FacebookException p0)


        public void OnSuccess(Java.Lang.Object p0)


It turns out that now when I click the login button, nothing happens. It does not give any error message, nor does it enter callback methods ( OnError, OnPause etc), gives absolutely nothing.

That way, I’m lost. Anyone can help?

  • 1

    You didn’t put anything in the methods that implementam IFacebookCallback how will you capture the return? See this example:

  • Thanks for the return. But I had put in the debug, breakpoint in all methods I implemented from Ifacebookcallback. None of them paused. I’ll check the example!

1 answer


You need at least one line of code within the method for breakpoint to enter. Place a log line and place the breakpoint on the log line.

private class facebookCallBack : IFacebookCallback
    public IntPtr Handle
            return new IntPtr();

    public void Dispose()
        Console.WriteLine("Teste Dispose");

    public void OnCancel()
        Console.WriteLine("Teste OnCancel");

    public void OnError(FacebookException p0)
        Console.WriteLine("Teste OnError");

    public void OnSuccess(Java.Lang.Object p0)
        Console.WriteLine("Teste OnSuccess");


Replace the Appeventslogger.Activateapp(this); for AppEventsLogger.ActivateApp(getApplication()); and put that line on void Oncreate.

Move the Appeventslogger.Deactivateapp(this); to the void Ondestroy.

If it works from a feedback.

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