How to determine permission to use tables?


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How can I make a certain user "see" one table and another not? I’ve been doing some research, I found the DENY SELECT ON *** but I was unsuccessful.

1 answer


One of the ways to do this is through GUI SQL Server Management Studio.

Note: I will describe step by step using the reference 2008, but I believe they are similar if using another version.

To deny permissions specific to a user table you can do the following:

  • In the object researcher, go to Security -> Logons and click to create a new.
  • After setting the desired name and password, click on the "User Mapping" tab and select the database to which it will have access (if you prefer, select the desired function i.g. db_datareader, db_backupoperator etc).
  • In the object researcher, go to Database -> Desired database -> Security -> Users and access the properties of the user in question.
  • Go to the "Protectable" tab and click Search.
  • Select "All objects of types..." and then select "Tables".
  • Now that all the database tables have been listed, just click on which you want to grant/deny permissions and mark the checkboxes.

Supposing that a user user can make an appointment in tables of schemas dbo and sync, the permission would be:

USE seuBanco;


Supposing further that this user cannot perform the drop in tables of schema sync, simply deny permission through DENY:


However, how to deny the permission ALTER affects the user’s ability to create and change objects of a schema, an alternative would be to use a Trigger to act on all tables in your bank.

To do this, simply check if the logged-in user is user and if the table that is suffering the drop belongs to the schema sync:

USE seuBanco;

CREATE TRIGGER deny_drop ON DATABASE FOR DROP_TABLE -- Cria o gatilho para todas as tabelas do banco.
    DECLARE @data XML = EVENTDATA(); -- Armazena informações sobre o evento.
    DECLARE @schema NVARCHAR(255) = @data.value('(/EVENT_INSTANCE/SchemaName)[1]',
        'NVARCHAR(255)'); -- Obtém o schema da tabela que está sofrendo o drop.
    DECLARE @usuario VARCHAR(100) = (SELECT SYSTEM_USER); -- Obtém o usuário atual do banco.

    IF (@usuario = 'user' and @schema = 'sync')
        RAISERROR('Drop negado.', 16, 1);
        ROLLBACK TRANSACTION; -- Encerra o drop, impedindo que ele seja efetuado.

Further reading:

Using triggers DDL to capture changes of schema.

  • Yes, I had seen this option (sql2012) however, I was able to deny update permissions and etc. But what I need is to deny DROP TABLE permission. It can do everything, just can’t drop into a schema. I have two schemas, dbo and Sync. Two users: user and Sync. The user has the power to view the dbo schema and Sync, but the user has no power to drop into the Sync schema table.

  • You can deny exclusion by unchecking checkbox the explicit permission "Delete" from the tables by graphic mode or using the DENY: DENY DELETE ON SCHEMA::sync TO [user];

  • But DELETE is not the same command as DROP TABLE, no?

  • I had not found a specific permission for the DROP in that documentation session and I made a wrong assumption; in fact, just replace DENY DELETE for DENY ALTER. However, deny the permission alter also means restricting the user as to the possibility of creating and changing their tables schema.

  • I added a possible alternative to the answer.

  • I will test later friend! Thanks!!!! I think it will work yes yes.

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