How to put a store in Wordpress made with plugin Woocommerce maintenance?
I thought to take the 'STORE' menu from the top of the site, but if someone has the link saved in the browser, could use and access normally.
I thought about disabling the plugin, but I do not know if only this will solve and when you want to return to the store, will return normally.
Remembering that there is a site in Wordpress and within it a store, what is the best way to temporarily take this store off the air? And then come back without losing any configuration?
I think there is a plugin for this. I only remember listening vaguely but I don’t know if it was really about Woocommerce.
– Leonardo Coelho
It’s a pretty cool feature you’re asking for, but so at first I don’t think it’s an easy programming problem to solve or answer. The automated part of Woocommerce must need a "Reverse-Engineer" and has part of its own Theme. Personally, I would need a good hour to understand and solve the problem, so I vote to close as "too wide".
– brasofilo