How does the system of voting and rating by stars work?


Viewed 792 times


I see the rating of the apps in the stores of Microsoft and Google and I can not understand the logic of both, I would like to make ratings by stars! But first I need to understand the logic of classification.

Microsoft - Overkill 3:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Bing - Whatsapp Messenger:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

You can see that in both, 5 stars has more than all the others, but the classification is between 4,... as they arrived at this result?

I’d like to know:

  • How it works, what is the logic of the classification (It doesn’t necessarily have to be theirs, but I think it works the same way all the time, I just don’t get it)?
  • (Optional) How to put this in code? Note: the programming language does not matter, but preferably in PHP

I believe the question is not good! Understanding what I wish to know, could help me to improve the question, please?

  • 2

    Negative vote on the question without any improvement suggestion does not help anything. In my view the question is valid and this well written.

  • I found this link mass, I think it might help you.

1 answer


You get this result by calculating the weighted average of the values.



5 estrelas: 733 votos
4 estrelas: 187 votos
3 estrelas: 102 votos
2 estrelas: 45 votos
1 estrela: 100 votos


(5 * 733 + 4 * 187 + 3 * 102 + 2 * 45 + 1 * 100) / (733 + 187 + 102 + 45 + 100) = 4,2

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