Moodle - Where is the task view information?


Viewed 65 times


I am trying to change a plugin and I need to find out where the database stores information of tasks preview in Moodle, the plugin is the bar Progress and need it urgent...

  • what kind of task you want?

1 answer


The block type plugin progress basically uses the Moodle table mdl_log to find out if such component has already been visited.

Below is an example of the code used to obtain access to a particular System:

'pluginxxx' => array(
    'defaultTime' => 'openingtime',
    'actions' => array(
        'viewed' => array (
            'logstore_legacy'     => "SELECT id
                                        FROM {log}
                                       WHERE course = :courseid
                                         AND module = 'pluginxxx'
                                         AND action = 'view'
                                         AND cmid = :cmid
                                         AND userid = :userid",
            'sql_internal_reader' => "SELECT id
                                        FROM {log}
                                       WHERE courseid = :courseid
                                         AND component = 'mod_pluginxxx'
                                         AND action = 'viewed'
                                         AND objectid = :eventid
                                         AND userid = :userid",
    'defaultAction' => 'viewed'

I hope I’ve helped, if that’s not your question, be more specific so we can help you.

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