Compare variable values and choose larger ones to calculate


Viewed 383 times


I am developing a retirement calculator. Available at link (code also available below). The program works with the insertion of several companies. I need that when the user gives the entry of for example: (for male user)

If the user worked in the first company, by the rule of 25 years, the time of 6 years; If the user worked in the second company, by the rule of 25 years, the time of 2 years; If the user worked in the third company, by the rule of 15 years, the time of 4 years; If the user worked in the fourth company, by the rule of 20 years, the time of 3 years;

The program should take the larger rules, in the case of the two 25-year-olds, add the time worked in the two, multiply by 1.4 and subtract by 35.

I wanted to know now how I do to compare in all fields, what are the rules, take the largest that are equal, add up the amount of time worked and continue the account. Thank you very much :)


<div class="container">
<h3><span>Saiba quando você irá se aposentar!</span><br />Preencha suas informações abaixo!</h3>
<form class="form-calculadora" name="aposentadoria">

    <fieldset class="sexo">
        <select id="sexo" name="sexo" class="text-area">
            <option value="M"><i class="fa fa-male"></i>Masculino</option>
            <option value="F"><i class="fa fa-female"></i>Feminino</option>

    <fieldset class="trabalho">
        <div class="row" id="p_scents">
                            <div class="empresa-area">
                <p class="title">Empresa</p>
                <input type="text" name="empresa" class="text-area" placeholder="Empresa: ">

            <div class="regra-area">
                <p class="title">Regra</p>
                <select name="regra" class="text-area">
                    <option value="25">25 anos</option>
                    <option value="20">20 anos</option>
                    <option value="15">15 anos</option>

            <div class="admissao-area">
                <p class="title">Admissão</p>
                <input type="date" name="dataAdmissao" class="text-area" placeholder="Admissão: ">

            <div class="demissao-area">
                <p class="title">Demissão</p>
                <input type="date" name="dataDemissao" class="text-area" placeholder="Demissão: ">

            <div class="anos-area">
                <p id="anosTrabalhados">0 Anos</p>


    <p class="add-empresa"><a href="#" id="addScnt"><i class="fa fa-user-plus"></i> Adicionar Empresa</a></p>

    <input type="button" value="Calcular" onclick="calcula();" >


<p id="result"><img src="./img/aviso.png"></p>


function calcula(){
var sexo = document.aposentadoria.sexo.value;
var nRegra = document.aposentadoria.regra.value;
var empresa = document.aposentadoria.empresa.value;
var dataAdmissao = new Date(document.aposentadoria.dataAdmissao.value);
var dataDemissao = new Date(document.aposentadoria.dataDemissao.value);

if (dataDemissao > dataAdmissao) {;
    var anosTrab = dataDemissao.getFullYear() - dataAdmissao.getFullYear();
    var dateTrab = dataDemissao.getDate() - dataAdmissao.getDate();
    var mesTrab = dataDemissao.getMonth() - dataAdmissao.getMonth();
} else {
    alert("A data de admissão deve ser anterior à data de demissão.");

if ((sexo == "M") && (nRegra == "25")) {
    anosNovo = anosTrab * 1.40;
} else if ((sexo == "M") && (nRegra == "20")) {
    anosNovo = anosTrab * 1.75;
} else if ((sexo == "M") && (nRegra == "15")) {
    anosNovo = anosTrab * 2.33;
} else if ((sexo == "F") && (nRegra == "25")) {
    anosNovo = anosTrab * 1.20;
} else if ((sexo == "F") && (nRegra == "20")) {
    anosNovo = anosTrab * 1.50;
} else if ((sexo == "F") && (nRegra == "15")) {
    anosNovo = anosTrab * 2;

if (sexo == "M") {
    anosFalta = anosNovo - 35;
} else if (sexo == "F") {
    anosFalta = anosNovo - 30;

if (anosFalta < 0) {
    anosFim = anosFalta * -1;

var anosAjus = "Você trabalhou " +anosTrab+ " anos " +mesTrab+ " meses e " +dateTrab+ " dias";
var calculoNovaR = "Faltam " +anosFim+ " anos para se aposentar";

document.getElementById("anosTrabalhados").innerHTML = anosTrab+ " anos";
document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = "<img src='./img/aviso.png'>" +anosAjus+ "<br />" +calculoNovaR;}

Jquery for ADD more fields

$(function() {
var scntDiv = $('#p_scents');
var i = $('#p_scents p').size() + 1;

$('#addScnt').live('click', function() {
    $('<div class="row"><div class="empresa-area"><input type="text" name="empresa' + i +'" class="text-area" placeholder="Empresa: "></div><div class="regra-area"><select name="regra' + i +'" class="text-area"><option value="25">25 anos</option><option value="20">20 anos</option><option value="15">15 anos</option></select></div><div class="admissao-area"><input type="date" name="dataAdmissao' + i +'" class="text-area" placeholder="Admissão: "></div><div class="demissao-area"><input type="date" name="dataDemissao' + i +'" class="text-area" placeholder="Demissão: "></div><div class="anos-area"><p id="anosTrabalhados">0 Anos</p></div></div>').appendTo(scntDiv);
                return false;

$('#remScnt').live('click', function() { 
    if( i > 2 ) {
    return false;


  • Hello. It is possible to put the example in jsfiddle. It is easier to help.

  • In the meantime the solution must go through: No "calculate" go through all the records in this case $('.Row'). each(); within that each should do the calculation and save the values for then at the end know which one you want to.

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