How to return data from the user who logged in?


Viewed 749 times


I need someone to help me with the following problem. I want to realize a select in a Mysql database, select will be done via web service with PHP returning a Json to my Android app.

What happens, the user enters login and password and the app recognizes the user and opens a second screen, in this second screen has a listview and in that listview should contain all the companies of that user, and it is at this point that this the problem. For me to do this I realize a select in PHP in the database, however, select returns me all companies in the database and not only the user who logged in. I tried to save the company code using SESSION in PHP but it did not work I would like someone to help me, thanks.

Follow the code in PHP:


echo $_SESSION['Cod_Empresa'];
mysql_select_db('bd') or die (mysql_error());

$result = mysql_query( "SELECT UC, Instalacao, Nome_Logo FROM Tab_UC where Cod_Empresa ='".$_SESSION['Cod_Empresa']."'") or die('Could not query');
 for($rows = array(); $row = mysql_fetch_object($result); $rows[] = $row);
    echo json_encode($rows);    


1 answer


Well, from what I understand you want to search the companies of a logged-in user.

Looking at your query I saw that has a table Tab_uc, I deduce that it is the table responsible for the registered companies. And in its clause Where Cod_Empresa ='".$_SESSION['Cod_Empresa']."' you are filtering by company code. You should not filter by logged in user ID?

In my view, this code returns only one company.

  • and how it would be to filter by ID... could return me an example... thank you

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