I would like to know how to make a calculation made in the call of a function in Javascript return me on the same page, because when I do the action to perform the calculation, it returns me the values on a different page.
Follows structure of HTML.
<meta charset = "UTF-8">
<title> Calculo </title>
<script src ="calcularMedia.js"> </script>
<h2 align = "center"> Cálcuo 1: bimestre </h2>
<form name = "f1">
<p align = "left">
<input type = "text" name = "disciplina" >
<p align = "left">
<input type = "text" name = "nota">
<input type = "button" name = "calcular" value = "Calcular" onclick = "calcularMedia()">
Code Avascript
function calcularMedia(){
disciplina = f1.disciplina.value;
nota = f1.nota.value;
media = parseFloat(nota) * parseFloat(0.4);
document.write("<p>Disciplina: " + disciplina+"</p>");
document.write("Media:<font color = #FF0000> "+media+"</font>");
Play the result in a div or input do not use the
– rray
It would be possible to show me how I do this process in code?
– Mauricio Junior
Create a div with the
called result, in your function do,document.getElementById('resultado').innerHTML = media;
– rray
It worked here. Thank you.
– Mauricio Junior