Function Jquery returning Undefined


Viewed 213 times


I created a function, but I don’t know why when I call this function the return of it comes as Undefined.

follows the code

function serviceDetails(id){

  //Service of the wall of cards (Grid Home page).
  var _PATH_SERVICE = _app.parseBaseUrl('{{httpsBaseUrl}}relay/moment/'+id);

  // var _PATH_SERVICE = '/wall.json';

  //AJAX GET service.
  .done(function(result) {

    //details = result;

      return result;

    .fail(function() {
      console.log('Fail in service of wall.');
  • The problem seems to be that it is an ajax request. When you call the function, it starts the request and continues running the function, as it has none return, it returns Undefined, while ajax return is within the function scope.

  • The strange thing, that when I put a console.log(result) inside the function, it returns right to requisicao, but when I call this function elsewhere it returns Undefined, Voce knows what can be?

  • As I said, the return value is right, but it gets "stuck" in the scope of the function serviceDetail, because he is executed asynchronously. After you start the ajax request, it keeps running the function and, as there is no return in its scope, it returns undefined, what you should do is throw that value "out" of the done, assigning it to a global variable, for example.

  • So, should I create a variable outside the scope to assign the value to it and use? not to call the direct function?

  • That would be one way to solve the problem.

  • I had done it, decided, but not sure for what I have to do, I need to run the function right in the event of the click of another function, when I do so there is a delay in the response, it does not bring the return of function in the first click

  • I didn’t quite understand the problem (delay), will always have a delay due to ajax request, no?

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