How to compare the values of one interval with another, following a formula?


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I have my championship leaderboard, which has a row "Number of Laps per Race" and, below, "Turns Completed".

I want to go through all the values of the line "Turns Completed" and compare with the "Number of laps per race", with the following logic:

se Voltas Completadas < (Voltas por corrida*0,35 ), 
    retorna 1(quantas vezes ocorrer) na célula, 
    retorna 0

But I can’t make it work. I tried with CONT.SE, but it seems to only work with some specific value!

How to make this formula?

2 answers


You can use the formula SOMA with the formula SE, using the vector resource.

In this case, to count the number of rows that meet the criterion "The number of complete laps must be less than 35% of the number of laps per race", we use the SE function comparing a range of cells with another range.

Exemplo de aplicação da soma de vetor com critério.

After typing the formula, press CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER to use as matrix formula.

Step by step, Excel will solve this function as follows:

  1. A2:A5 = {3,2,1,0}
  2. B2:B5 = {5,2,10,3}
  3. B2:B5*0,35 = {5,2,10,3} * 0,35 = {1.75, 0.7, 3.5, 1.05}
  4. A2:A5 < B2:B5*0,35 = {3,2,1,0} < {1.75, 0.7, 3.5, 1.05} = {3 < 1.75, 2 < 0.7, 1 < 3.5, 0 < 1.05}.
  5. We put to return 1 when True and 0 to False. So:
    • {3 < 1.75, 2 < 0.7, 1 < 3.5, 0 < 1.05} = {0, 0, 1, 1}
  6. In the end, you’ll have =SOMA({0, 0, 1, 1}), that will result in 2.

To learn more:

  • Thanks @ricidleiv , it worked!


Bruno, if I understood you, I’d do the following:

In a cell you would use CONT.SE to know the total of completed laps, and compare this value with the number of laps. That’s it?

=CONT.SE(A1:Z1;">0")   para valores numéricos nas células (pode ser qualquer valor maior que zero)
  • Yes, this is what I want to do, I already have the line that computes the completed laps and also the totals. I just can’t use the logic inside the

  • I changed the CONT.IF above because I was taking a column, your case is in rows, in the example I did, he understands how many "numerical" values exist in these cells (from A to Z) that are larger than zero See if you are putting numbers as text (e.g., "1") remove the quotation marks if applicable, or use CONT.SE for text, in this case I suggest that you select the text, e.g.: each cell in a loop receives the letter "V", and where "<0" is in the formula, put "V".

  • Yes, I named the lines too. My problem is that the values are variable, track by track. If I were a single one, I’d be okay, but I need to check every incident...

  • If you put a part of what you have on the screen so that we can see, it is easier to help, you can "edit" your question and insert in addition to texts, also images

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