python relationship in neo4j


Viewed 56 times


I have the following code where I am migrating a relational database to neo4j. I made a node for each latitude and longitude sensor and a distinct node for each rainfall recorded in my database.

    db = GraphDatabase("http://localhost:7474",username="neo4j", password="12345")
conn = psycopg2.connect("\
c = conn.cursor()
c.execute("SELECT latitude, longitude, gid FROM pontos")  
records = c.fetchall() #pega todos os resultados do select e armazena em uma tupla
#cria todos os sensores os latitude e longitute
sensorlatlong = db.labels.create("Latitude/Longitude")
for i in records:
    s = db.nodes.create(latitude=i[0],longitutde=i[1])

#cria os nos de precipitacao
e.execute("SELECT precipitacaoh, gidgeo_fk FROM historico GROUP BY precipitacaoh")
records2 = e.fetchall()
sensorprecip = db.labels.create("Precipitacao")
for i in records:
    s2 = db.nodes.create(precipitacao=i[0])

#cria as relacoes entre precipitacao e sensor latitude e longitude 

Now I want every latitude and longitude sensor that marked any of these precipitations to have a relationship MARKED with every precipitation node that it marked.

I’m thinking about doing a bow tie:

#cria as relacoes entre precipitacao e sensor latitude e longitude     
for i in records:
    for j in records2:
        if(i[2] == j[1]):

But I don’t know if it’s right, and the database is very large. Any suggestions?

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