I am working on a system that manages customer licenses.
There is a feature in my system to return the customer’s product key , making a query on Web Service.
And simple you inform the CNPJ it returns the a product key.
//Web Service
Gerencial.WebService.WSLicenca ws = new WebService.WSLicenca();
string ProductKey = ws.RetornaLicenca(CpfCnpj);
But when performing this operation and displayed the message from Error :
The request failed with HTTP status 417: Expectation failed
According to this article the solution to this problem would be to add the property Expect100continue defining value as falso
, which can be done by the configuration file or in the code snippet before the query by the Web Service.
System.Net.ServicePointManager.Expect100Continue = false;
<servicePointManager expect100Continue="false" />
Can someone tell me what this is for ?
Using this property the bug has been fixed but I have no idea what this property does.