Google Cloud Messaging push notification takes too long to deliver


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I have an application similar to the taxi apps (99Tax, Easy Taxi, Uber), in it I use Google Cloud Messaging to send the alerts of new races, but sometimes the latency in the delivery of the message is great, or sometimes the alert does not even arrive. I wonder if there is another solution I can adopt to the problem.

  • In the version of (a) professional or (a) client?

  • @Pabloalmeida in the Professional

  • We’ve had that problem too. It seems to be something common. This is because the connection to the GCM server was cut (probably by the operator or the router). Until the GCM service asks for a new connection, which happens in up to 28 minutes. What everyone does is just drop the GCM and go to something else that maintains an application’s own connection to the server. Do you know Firebase?

  • I don’t know no @Pabloalmeida

  • It’s like a BD (Nosql) in the cloud that warns those interested of modifications to some content. You can configure the professional (a) app to respond to changes in specific "tables", such as, missed races. The feedback is instant. The only thing is that the application needs to be open (or a service running), but, as in do(a) professional, this is certainly the case. Take a look at their website to see how it works. It’s very easy to create a Helloworld. It’s also a Google service.

  • Thanks for the @Pabloalmeida explanation, I will give a study, as to battery consumption, knows if it is as efficient as push?

  • Probably not. The issue is not the push, but the push of GCM. Both use the same technology (permanent connection). What differentiates is that Firebase is optimized for speed, so it will probably spend more battery. But even so, it’s much less than doing Polling and much faster.

  • Got it, thanks again

  • I started my studies in firebase, and I’m having trouble sending msg directly from the application, everywhere I researched so far on the internet, ngm teaches, the only thing I got was sending the notification through the console, however in my application the user creates an event with date and time, therefore the notification has to be created along with the action of the user, if someone can help me I thank

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