Volley on Android


Viewed 715 times


Volley on Android, I understand it is a library, doubt is:

  • Library for which?
  • She is native to Android?
  • If yes, how to use? If not where to download?
  • Someone??????????

  • If the question has been clarified, please mark the answer as correct.

1 answer


Well, let’s go in pieces.

What is the Volley?

Volley is a google library for android, which aims to make http implementation "easier and optimized".

He is native on android?

No, you need to download the lib and add it to the build.Radle file in the project to get started.

Link: 'com.mcxiaoke.Volley:library:1.0.19'

Obs: Although when it came up, many people used lib to improve and try to reduce code for http requests on android, which we agree was very bureaucratic, nowadays there are better options.

I can recommend the lib Retrofit, that its yes, its implementation is much simpler and I see many people using, in all the projects that I currently maintain, migrated to retrofit.


Good, but what is Retrofit ?

Retrofit is a framework developed by Square, which aims to optimize the http communication of android, more specifically, using the REST standard, which by Signal, ended up becoming a "market standard".

He is Native on android ?

Also no, but for its use just add the line below to the build.Radle file:


Sources: Volley Android

Retrofit Android

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