Raw does not render link in Vb.net


Viewed 57 times


I’m doing a code snippet that also returns a string in Vb.net mvc 4.5 however the string is mounted correctly.

But in the view


he is not presenting the links

the string I’m mounting like this

strDiv += "<a href='#' id='" + reader("Nome").ToString().Trim + "' onclick='mostrar_abas(this);'>" + reader("Nome").ToString().Trim + "</a>"

strDiv += "<div id='div_" + reader("Lista").ToString().Trim + "'>   ABCDE</div>"

and step this string to the connstrutor but when displaying it displays the Div content of the div but does not display the links

1 answer


The problem actually is that in case the link source was in the same color as the bottom of the page the routine was working perfectly

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