I have a Crystal Report object that is bringing the records of a View from a Mysql database. I need these records to be exported to a CSV file and I got this with the following code:
private void btnExportarCSV_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string fileName = DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + ".csv";
fileName = Config.pathFiles + "\\" + fileName;
Reports.NotaFiscal_CSVReport cr = new Reports.NotaFiscal_CSVReport();
DiskFileDestinationOptions diskOpts = ExportOptions.CreateDiskFileDestinationOptions();
diskOpts.DiskFileName = fileName;
CharacterSeparatedValuesFormatOptions csvFO = ExportOptions.CreateCharacterSeparatedValuesFormatOptions();
csvFO.ReportSectionsOption = CsvExportSectionsOption.ExportIsolated;
csvFO.ExportMode = CsvExportMode.Standard;
csvFO.SeparatorText = ";";
csvFO.Delimiter = "";
ExportOptions exportOpts = new ExportOptions();
exportOpts.ExportFormatType = ExportFormatType.CharacterSeparatedValues;
exportOpts.ExportFormatOptions = csvFO;
exportOpts.ExportDestinationType = ExportDestinationType.DiskFile;
exportOpts.ExportDestinationOptions = diskOpts;
The problem is that there’s a field in this view that’s a date. And I need the report to export only records whose date is in a specified range. I tried to do this in various ways, with parameters, formulas... but without success.
Does anyone know the right way to do this? Recalling that the report is linked to a view, the report dataset is not set in the code...