Can Python be used for heavy lifting?


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Good morning, I know that python is not a performative mto language (aims more at simplicity) An example here. But can she take the hit? For example on large servers with a lot of load like Facebook, bank sites etc. Would she do well? Would it be feasible to use it? And for desktop applications? Thank you.

  • when asking a performance question you should be as specific as possible. What is the situation you want to use python for? Another point is that if you’re comparing performance you need to know what you’re comparing python against. As it stands the question is very general and there is no way to give an answer to it.

  • The Google already uses Python in its infrastructure, however, not to give an answer, depends on the goal you intend to achieve with the language.

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    Taking the plunge has more to do with the architecture and infrastructure you use than just the programming language. It is also worth remembering that a system does not need to be all done in the same programming language. One of the strengths of dynamic languages like Python is precisely the ease of interacting with code written in other languages.

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    Google used Python from the beginning, when the first Googlers (Sergey, Larry, Craig, ...) made a smart decision: "Python where we can, C++ where we should". We know that Instagram is powered by Python + Django too. It is also possible to compile Python C software with Cython, making it virtually as fast as a C program.

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