How to insert multiple arrays into a Mysql table


Viewed 2,478 times


I receive via Ajax a request $_POST with 5 indexes and the last 3 are Arrays.

It’s kind of like this:

    [c] =>
    [s] => 
    [dt] => 
    [nl] => Array
            [0] => valor1
            [1] => valor2
            [2] => valor3

    [ol] => Array
            [0] => valor1
            [1] => valor2
            [2] => valor3

    [cat] => Array
            [0] => valor1
            [1] => valor2
            [2] => valor3

    [save] => save

Indexes "c", "s" and "dt" are being saved in a table:

    primeira tabela
     id  |  campaign_name  |   subject     |  date    
     AI  |  $_POST['c']    |   $_POST['s'] |  $_POST['dt']

and if inserted, the other indexes ("nl","ol" and "cat") are saved in another table:

     id |  main_url    | new_url       | access_count  |  campaign_FK
     AI | $_POST['ol'] | $_POST['nl']  |    NULL       |  id_primeira_tabela

Referencing the id of the first insertion. The first query runs ok. My difficulty is in mounting the correct query for the second insertion.

I already used foreach, for, tried to insert one by one and then give an UPDATE (gambiarra). I searched enough on google also and none of the searches served for that question.

Can someone help me?

  • Have you tried $_POST['ol[0]'] ?

  • Already! You can not mount a single query using this index since there are 3 arrays for the same table. :/

2 answers


$pdo = new PDO();
$sts = $pdo->prepare("insert into tabela(campaign_name,subject,date) values(?,?,?)");
$sts->bindValue(1, $_POST['c'], PDO::PARAM_STR);
$sts->bindValue(2, $_POST['s'], PDO::PARAM_STR);
$sts->bindValue(3, $_POST['dt'], PDO::PARAM_STR);
$sts = null;
$pk = $pdo->lastInsertId();
$sts = $pdo->prepare("insert into tabela(main_url,new_url,access_count,campaign_FK) values(?,?,NULL,?)");
$listaOl = $_POST['ol'];
$listaNl = $_POST['nl'];
for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($listaOl); $i++){
    $sts->execute(array($listaOl[$i], $listaNl[$i], $pk));  
$sts = null;

In the PDO (you need to put the database data), and table inside the $pdo->prepare need to switch to your table name !!!


  • 2

    Great Man!! I was already using PDO, I just didn’t know how to manipulate it to use this way. It was perfect! Thank you very much!!


If the question is to insert multiple rows into the table with a single query, you can use the following syntax:

INSERT INTO tbl (col1, col2) VALUES (val1, val2), (val3, val4);

The above example is for two lines, but you can adapt it to as many as you need, and parameterize the query as suggested in the Fulvius response.

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