Webview does not open popup - Windows Phone 8.1


Viewed 72 times


I’m trying to get an authentication through a URL, up to there everything traquilo. But on the site, which I’m trying to authenticate, it is possible to log in with facebook but, by using this alternative, instead of the facebook login/authorization page appearing on the component itself (Webview) it calls the default OS browser, which means the authentication won’t work. My question is, how to make him open this facebook popup in the component itself? Thank you.


private void wvwTeste_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    string _clientId = "123456";
    wvwTeste.Navigate(new Uri("https://api.teste.com/oauth/?" +
                                                    "response_type=code&" +
                                                    "redirect_uri=https://localhost/&" +
                                                    "client_id=" + _clientId + "&" +
                                                    "scope=read_public,write_public&" +
                                                    "state=768uyFys", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute));


    <WebView x:Name="wvwTeste"
             Loaded="wvwTeste_Loaded" />
  • Whoa, check this out link here.

  • That’s not it. I don’t want to open Webview in a pop-up. What I want is for pop-ups not to be directed to the OS browser. In this authentication, when accessed in the browser, when trying to log in via Facebook opens a pop-up. What I need is that when I try this method, log in via Facebook, the pop-up will be opened in webView itself, and not in the default OS browser.

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