Smallest JRE(jvm) possible


Viewed 58 times


I am creating a Java application and need to put the JRE together, and some wrapper, or even an installer. Is there any program that does this, with the SMALLEST jre possible already included?

  • About putting the JRE together, here’s an answer - Missing someone talking about creating the smallest possible package running the application.

  • I was trying a way to put everything inside a . exe, but turns out it gets gigantic

  • This is a very common problem. The staff packages the entire JRE. It would be nice if someone could get an answer with a sensible solution to build a "JRE lite" just with what the app actually needs.

  • Very hard to do. The main file is rt.jar and it weighs 50MB on JRE7. You can get rid of some . exe’s and . unnecessary jar’s for the application, but kick that can not save more than 50MB the size of the total JRE whatever is using.

  • It’s really sad that I have a 2MB app and she gets 60~70MB

  • It would be better to use another language. Or you can try your luck using a solution like this:

  • I know the Excelsior Jet , and , he also has the same problem, although it is a little smaller

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