How to change the date format in java script?


Viewed 1,332 times


I’m taking the date informed by the user, who selects from a datepicker. In the form the format is displayed right dd/mm/yyyy, but the problem is when I take the date to play in a variável, she comes in the following way:

Wed Mar 23 2016 00:00:00 GMT-0300 (BRT)

How do I convert variável in yyyy/mm/dd?

'cause I’m gonna need that information to get it into my bank.

1 answer


Create a role for this:

function formatarData(data) {
    var d = new Date(data),
        mes = '' + (d.getMonth() + 1),
        dia = '' + d.getDate(),
        ano = d.getFullYear();

    if (mes.length < 2) mes = '0' + mes;
    if (dia.length < 2) dia = '0' + dia;

    return [ano, mes, dia].join('/');

alert(formatarData('Wed Mar 23 2016 00:00:00 GMT-0300 (BRT)'));




  • Thanks Marllon, I’ll try.

  • There are other ways, okay? If you want me to edit the answer and add it to you... but this solution, in my opinion, is the simplest.

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