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I am creating a project in which I will have "two interfaces", one used by the mobile phone, and the other used on a computer, in the mobile phone I will have the Youtube API, using list, javascript.

The client you are using, will search a video of your interest and can preview it, and eventually select it, when you select it, the video ID will be saved in a database, as well as its name (there will be a login screen before), I need the other interface to show these videos, but I will have to receive this information from the bank and not refresh the page, and I will also make a button to mark a video as already played...

I need help with this part of showing the new videos and removing the ones that have already been marked as played.

I also wonder if PHP and JS would be the most suitable for this type of project, with "two interfaces" (if this type of project has a specific name, please tell me), I know there are WEB SOCKETS, but I haven’t studied it thoroughly yet.

  • 2

    Hi, Rodrigo, I took the liberty of eliminating certain things from your question that distract from the main goal. Even so, it’s still very broad... The site here is for as objective questions as possible to get the most accurate answer possible. There is no problem you ask during the entire execution of the project, but you have to go piece by piece. And of course, you should only ask when you’ve actually researched, hit your head and didn’t solve it. And, welcome to Sopt :)

1 answer


good night!

You seem like a smart guy, posted and already answered your own question.

Your problem can and should be solved using websockets. This is the simplest technology for this type of problem.

If you are looking for a good product, I recommend and use the firebase.

Study the technology that will be a very well invested time.


  • Thank you so much for the tips :) I’m going to do a little research on... I’ve already looked at firebase too, but not in depth. Hug, A great day.

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