Creating dynamic tabs and combos - Jsf / Primefaces


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I am working on a project that has as a basic requirement that the user can create screens to display data coming from various data sources. The user creates what we call Dashboard and includes components (label, table, chart, combo). The user can open multiple Dashboard at once and they are separated into tabs on the screen itself. Soon, I have a page that displays a combobox with all dashboards registered, when the user selects some of them this is loaded in a tab.

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The problem happens when I have a combobox in one tab and open another, because in this case the combobox in the first tab opened to work; when opening it to view the data they are displayed in position completely out of context.

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Also when I select some item is displayed HAS SCREEN (p:Growl) the answer - validation error value is not Valid. I did a lot of research and the solutions are usually converted. I checked my converter, inspected/debugged and the values are correct. My object has hashcode, equals and toString implementation, all pointing to unique object identifier. I installed the omnifaces and tried to solve with his converters without success.

The fact that the open combobox was rendered incorrectly gave me the idea that it was some kind of conflicting javascript, but there is no display of any JS error in the browser inspecter.

Have you ever seen anything like it? Do you have any idea where you can find a solution?

1 answer


My case was solved by "disabling" validations <f:validateBean disabled="true"/>. In cases where this is not necessary Validator implementation would also be an option.

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