Problems with navigation bar


Viewed 67 times


Good morning. I have a canvas with angular material in which I simulate the flexnav of the material design.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

and when I go down the scroll is:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

However, only the moment the screen is loaded is this way:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

I’ve already touched enough Javascript and I couldn’t solve this problem. This way, I come to see if someone can give a light.


<header md-page-header>
    <div md-header-picture style="background-image:url(img/tst.jpg)"></div>

    <md-toolbar scroll id="toolbar">
        <div class="md-toolbar-tools">
            <md-button class="md-tools" aria-label="Voltar">
                <img src="img/icons/arrow-back.svg" class="landTL" />

        <div class="main-fab" id="buttonEmail">
            <md-button aria-label="E-mail" class="md-fab md-primary">
                <img src="img/icons/email.svg" class="vertical-align-middle"/>


app.directive("scroll", function ($window) {

    return function(scope, element, attrs) {

      /* header DOM element with md-page-header attribute */
      var header         = document.querySelector('[md-page-header]');
      /* Store header dimensions to initialize header styling */
      var baseDimensions = header.getBoundingClientRect();
      /* DOM element with md-header-title attribute (title in toolbar) */
      var title          = angular.element(document.querySelector('[md-header-title]'));
      /* DOM element with md-header-picture attribute (picture in header) */
      var picture        = angular.element(document.querySelector('[md-header-picture]'));
      /* DOM element with main-fab class (a DOM element which contains the main float action button element) */
      var fab            = angular.element(document.querySelector('.main-fab'));
      /* The height of a toolbar by default in Angular Material */
      var legacyToolbarH = 50;
      /* The mid-height of a float action button by default in Angular Material */
      var legacyFabMid   = 56/2;
      /* The zoom scale of the toolbar title when it's placed at the bottom of the header picture */
      var titleZoom      = 1.5;
      /* The primary color palette used by Angular Material */
      var primaryColor   = [255,202,50];

      function styleInit () {
        title.css('transform-origin', '24px');

      function handleStyle(dim) {
        fab.css('top',(dim.height - legacyFabMid)+'px');

        if (( > legacyToolbarH) {
            title.css('top', (('px');
            element.css('height', ('px');
        } else {
            title.css('top', '0px');
            element.css('height', legacyToolbarH+'px');

        if ((dim.bottom - < legacyToolbarH * 5.8 && !fab.hasClass('hide')) {

            document.getElementById("buttonEmail").style.WebkitTransition = "all 1s"; // Code for Safari 3.1 to 6.0
            document.getElementById("buttonEmail").style.transition = "all 1s";       // Standard syntax

        if((dim.bottom - > legacyToolbarH * 0.3 && fab.hasClass('hide')) {
            fab.css('top',(dim.height - legacyFabMid)+'px');

        picture.css('background-position','50% '+(ratio(dim)*50)+'%');
        /* Uncomment the line below if you want shadow inside picture (low performance) */
        //element.css('box-shadow', '0 -'+(dim.height*3/4)+'px '+(dim.height/2)+'px -'+(dim.height/2)+'px rgba(0,0,0,'+(ratio(dim))+') inset');

      function ratio(dim) {
        var r = (;

        if(r < 0) return 0;
        if(r > 1) return 1;
        return Number(r.toString().match(/^\d+(?:\.\d{0,2})?/));


      /* Scroll event listener */
      angular.element($window).bind("scroll", function() {
        var dimensions = header.getBoundingClientRect();

      /* Resize event listener */
      angular.element($window).bind('resize',function () {
        baseDimensions = header.getBoundingClientRect();
        var dimensions = header.getBoundingClientRect();


I made based in this tutorial.

  • When I say "Only at the moment it is loaded" it is because when I move the scroll it becomes normal.

2 answers


You could try hiding with css:

seu-elemento {
  overflow-x: hidden;
  overflow-Y: hidden;


I made changes to my directive and it worked.

app.directive("scroll", function ($window) {

    return function(scope, element, attrs) {
          /* header DOM element with md-page-header attribute */
          var header         = document.querySelector('[md-page-header]');
          /* Store header dimensions to initialize header styling */
          var baseDimensions = header.getBoundingClientRect();
          /* DOM element with md-header-title attribute (title in toolbar) */
          var title          = angular.element(document.querySelector('[md-header-title]'));
          /* DOM element with md-header-picture attribute (picture in header) */
          var picture        = angular.element(document.querySelector('[md-header-picture]'));
          /* DOM element with main-fab class (a DOM element which contains the main float action button element) */
          var fab            = angular.element(document.querySelector('.main-fab'));
          /* The height of a toolbar by default in Angular Material */
          var legacyToolbarH = 50;
          /* The mid-height of a float action button by default in Angular Material */
          var legacyFabMid   = legacyToolbarH/2; 
          /* The zoom scale of the toolbar title when it's placed at the bottom of the header picture */
          var titleZoom      = 1.5;
          /* The primary color palette used by Angular Material */
          var primaryColor   = [255,202,50];

          function handleStyle(dim) {
            //fab.css('top',(dim.height - legacyFabMid)+'px');
            //fab.css('top', '90%');

            var dif = dim.bottom -;
            var difMeio = dim.height - legacyFabMid;

            console.log("Diferenca "+dif);
            console.log("toolbar "+legacyToolbarH);

            if (dif > legacyToolbarH) {
                element.css('height', dif+'px');
                fab.css({'top': difMeio+'px','position':'absolute'});
            } else {
                element.css('height', legacyToolbarH+'px');

            picture.css('background-position','50% '+(ratio(dim)*50)+'%');
            /* Uncomment the line below if you want shadow inside picture (low performance) */
            //element.css('box-shadow', '0 -'+(dim.height*3/4)+'px '+(dim.height/2)+'px -'+(dim.height/2)+'px rgba(0,0,0,'+(ratio(dim))+') inset');

          function ratio(dim) {
            var r = (;

            if(r < 0) return 0;
            if(r > 1) return 1;
            return Number(r.toString().match(/^\d+(?:\.\d{0,2})?/));


          /* Scroll event listener */
          angular.element($window).bind("scroll", function() {
            var dimensions = header.getBoundingClientRect();

          /* Resize event listener */
          angular.element($window).bind('resize',function () {
            baseDimensions = header.getBoundingClientRect();
            var dimensions = header.getBoundingClientRect();

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