Basically, program the names and always write the same in both the source code and the files. The way, in your case, is to revise the code, and fix.
If it’s a "desperate measure," which is really your thing, put it all in the tiny, so you don’t have to think too much.
Keep camelcase only what is a third party library, but when it is updated, it will get complicated again.
Even, always avoid file names with accents and spaces, which are another source of problems.
Important: solutions that use .htaccess
serve to arrange links that the end user who is browsing the site has typed with Casing wrong, and not to tidy up misspelled names by the system’s own author.
I was searching and saw that in some forums that redirect urls with htaccess is a good one, but how do I do this?
– Thiago
Don’t do it. This is gambiarra of the worst kind, fix the mistake that is best. And the . htaccess would only work if it was, for example, all tiny on the hard drive. But still, you’d have trouble with #includes, which the . htaccess does not interfere.
– Bacco