Double quote character removal "


Viewed 8,240 times


I have a code that reads a CSV and saves the information in the database, but I ended up getting a CSV "different" than what I’m used to reading. This CSV come with double quotes in the information.

Ex: "0";"20151109";"171729";"20151101";"20151106";"V3.0";"00";"20151109171729";"000001"

There is a possibility to make a replace? The function remove that I tried it just removes the first quotes. (if there is a possibility to do the remove also, I’d like an example as it didn’t work properly here). I’ll show you a piece of what is done.

if (Directory.Exists(pasta_tempFisico))
                            using (sr)
                                while (!sr.EndOfStream)
                                    sline = sr.ReadLine();

                                    if (sline.Substring(1, 1) == "0")
                                        string[] DadosRPS = sline.Split(';');

                                        dtCriacaoArqHd = DateTime.Parse(DadosRPS[1].Substring(1, 4) + "/" + DadosRPS[1].Substring(5, 2) + "/" + DadosRPS[1].Substring(7, 2) + " " + DadosRPS[2].Substring(1, 2) + ":" + DadosRPS[2].Substring(3, 2) + ":" + DadosRPS[2].Substring(5, 2));
                                        dtInicialHd = DateTime.Parse(DadosRPS[3].Substring(1, 4) + "/" + DadosRPS[3].Substring(5, 2) + "/" + DadosRPS[3].Substring(7, 2));
                                        dtFinalHd = DateTime.Parse(DadosRPS[4].Substring(1, 4) + "/" + DadosRPS[4].Substring(5, 2) + "/" + DadosRPS[4].Substring(7, 2));
                                        VersaoHd = Convert.ToString(DadosRPS[5]);
                                        codIdnRedeHd = Convert.ToInt32(DadosRPS[6]);
                                        numSeqArqHd = Convert.ToInt32(DadosRPS[7]);
                                        numSeqRegArqHd = Convert.ToInt32(DadosRPS[8]);

Obs: the sline.Substring(1, 1) is thus only by test, since in the removal would be (0.1) on account of quotation marks.

2 answers



After the split, for each field: if the first character is double quote, remove it; then, if the last character is double quote, remove it. Do a quote() function for this, just to avoid code duplication.

  • could demonstrate an example of code? Just to make it clearer even to others who have the same doubt, if your solution is useful to third parties. I thank you already! :)

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