I’m using DriveInfo.GetDrivers()
to take the names of the disk drives present on the machine and list them on a TreeView
I made the code below that works, however it does not appear the names of disks in network that my machine has access, only local disks.
foreach(DriveInfo drv in DriveInfo.GetDrives())
TreeNode node = new TreeNode();
node.ImageIndex = 0;
node.SelectedImageIndex = 0;
node.Text = drv.Name+drv.VolumeLabel;
retorno = true;
When I concaten with the drv.VolumeLabel
that networked disks stop appearing (concateno to appear to the user the name of the disk for identification)
I’m thinking of a if
to display them, however the goal was to display the name of the disk in network, because much of the work will be in different networks.
I made a If
to correctly display the disk name and display at least the dr letterinet ve
if (drv.DriveType == DriveType.Network)
node.Text = drv.Name;
else if (drv.DriveType == DriveType.Fixed)
node.Text = drv.Name + drv.VolumeLabel;
node.Text = drv.Name;
and is displayed like this:
The problem is that in this middle there is flash drive connected, networked HD and CD-Rom disk in the middle.
When it’s a drive network, the
has content or is void?– Maniero
drv.Volumelabel content is "Data".
– Guilherme Golfetto
Did that solve it? I guess that’s what I was thinking.
– Maniero
So, I need to show the user the name of the network drive, instead of the letter, because it’s a lot of letters, take a look at the image I’m going to ask the question.
– Guilherme Golfetto