What is Node.js and what does it replace?


Viewed 1,070 times


The node.js is what after all? He subsistitui who?

  • Javascript?
  • Serverside?

Can anyone explain me better? I did not find these questions directly on the Web.

1 answer


It replaces nothing. It’s just one more option that’s available...

The extremely simplified view of the operation of a webpage is that the client, through a webbrowser, requests the page from a server. The server responds with HTML content and Javascript scripts. webbrowser shows the HTML on the screen and executes the Javascript code to make the dynamic parts of the page.

On the webbrowser side the only programming language that runs is Javascript while on the server side any programming language serves (any programming language is generating a document in HTML format). It can be PHP, Python, Perl, or just about any other language you want. It can even be Javascript. Node is a Javascript version with a richer standard library, with things you don’t have in your browser environment, like file system access, databases, etc. You can use Node to program a Javascript web server or simply to run Javascript programs on your computer.

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