Prevent Edittext from opening keyboard when I enter the layout


Viewed 539 times


Whenever I enter a layout that has a EditText, It opens the digital keyboard by default for me to write something. I wanted to stop this, I wanted him to show the keyboard only when I clicked on EditText.

  • 1

    Ever tried to focus on something else? Besides, you didn’t mean Edittext when you said Textfield?

  • Exactly, I’ve corrected

  • How can I focus?

  • I remembered a better option. See the answer.

1 answer


You can add to your declaration Activity in Manifest one of the following options:

To always enter with the hidden keyboard


To leave it as it is (that is, if the keyboard was already open when it arrived at it, it remains open. If it was not, it remains closed):


Analyze which option is best suited to your case and choice.

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