Delimiter in mysql Procedure


Viewed 337 times


I’m running a procedure, but my web application formats it and runs it on mysql. The problem is that when the Procedure is executed, it is in only one line (no line breaks). For example:

DELIMITER // CREATE PROCEDURE executar_procedure ()  BEGIN /*Meu código aqui!*/ END//  DELIMITER ;

So, as when executing in the mysql everything is on only one line, DELIMITER recognizes all the code after // as if it were still part of the delimiter, that is, the delimiter does not only take the two bars to indicate that there is beginning the Precedent, but rather, all the content that is on the line, and so, I cannot run the Precedent. I tried using n after "DELIMITER //" but was unsuccessful.

Thank you to everyone who tries to help!

  • Welcome to the sopt. Do not undo the line code formatting, it exists precisely to highlight the code of the rest of the question and to make your training easier to read.

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