Error creating a replica set in Mongodb


Viewed 64 times


I’m assembling a set of replicate mongod instances, the primary node initialized perfectly. But the other nodes that should appear as secudarians are not worldly of state.

O resultado do comando rs.status() no nodo primário

And when I check on each of the nodes, on one I have it as a result:

[![The result of the db.isMaster() command on one of the secondary nodes][2]][2]

Would anyone have an idea of the problem that might be behind this? Thank you!

  • You can post your configuration file used in replicaSet ?

  • Yes, of course. I posted the print of the configuration file I’m using.

2 answers


inserir a descrição da imagem aqui The configuration file I used in replicatSet

  • This file looks like a Mongo configuration to me. Pastes the result to rs.conf() command running in your primary mongod.

  • The rs.conf() command is showing me all the nodes I added to my replicatSet.

  • Did you try to uncomment bind_ip= ? One of the reasons this hangs on the status of the node is a lack of communication between the servers, where each node has to communicate with the other nodes and with itself, bind_ip can lead to this problem, as well as Domain. I’ll try to replicate your problem.

  • I decoded but receives a Warning that does not need to put this because by default it listens in all inferfaces. That’s why it now appears commented in the configuration file.

  • Weird, I’ll simulate your same environment and get back to you as soon as I’m ready. 'Cause everything seems okay and as far as I know what can lead to this kind of problem is communication between the Servers, which doesn’t seem to be your case.

  • The nodes are visible because if they were not, neither the rs.add() command would be successful. But I will wait for a return. For now, I thank you for trying to help.

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inserir a descrição da imagem aqui The print of the rs.conf() command on the primary node

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