Site appears disfigured when goes to the hosting


Viewed 462 times


Hello, I’m creating a site, actually I’m already finished is in the testing phase, it was normal when tested locally, but when I passed it to hosting simply it defaced, but only part, the sliders.

Sliders HTML is like this:

  .slider-holder { width: 320px; margin:0 auto; }
.slider { background-image:url(images/slider-mobile.png); padding:0 10px; width:300px;  margin:0 auto;   height: 388px;}
.slider .slide-cnt { width: 300px;  float:none; display:block; padding-top: 12px; }
.slider h4 { display:none; }
.slider h2 { font-size: 38px; text-align: center; }
.slider p { color:#cee7f1; }
.slider ul li { width: 300px; }
.slider .socials { display:none; }
.slider img { float:none; display:block; margin:0 auto; width: 194px; height: 178px; }
<!-- slider -->
<div class="slider">
  <div class="socials">
    <a href="" class="facebook-ico">facebook-ico</a>
    <a href="#" class="twitter-ico">twitter-ico</a>
    <a href="skype:[email protected]?chat" class="skype-ico">skype-ico</a>
    <a href="#" class="rss-ico">rss-ico</a>
    <div class="cl">&nbsp;</div>

  <div class="arrs">
    <a href="#" class="prev-arr"></a>
    <a href="#" class="next-arr"></a>

    <li id="img1">
      <div class="slide-cnt">
        <h4>Compre Online</h4>
        <h2>Seu produto em 2 cliques</h2>
        <p>Compre pela nossa loja virtual e receba seu produto sem precisar sair de casa! <a href="/loja">saiba mais</a></p>
      <img src="css/images/mac-img.png" alt="manutencao de impressora em vinhedo" />

I don’t know if the problem might be in CSS or HTML, I have no idea why it defaults only that part.

And another observation, the div SOCIALS simply disappears too... The site is online, but I do not know if you can pass url here, I’m new, anyway, I thank you all.

  • 1

    Hey Victor, have you checked in your browser’s network log if any of your CSS or JS are getting 404? You could provide the URL?

  • Show, where you call css files in the sffv header

  • You have to take a look to see if the first line doesn’t have a space ;)

  • @Rubico already looked but has no error related to part slider, has some but nothing related to slider

  • @Orangemechanical right after the finish

  • @Wallacemaxters don’t have

  • If it is Javascript error, I believe you know this, but it costs nothing to comment. After a javascript error, javascript stops, does not continue the execution of the others. So if your slider is after this error, it will not run. Try passing the slider code to before the problematic code.

  • I tried @Rubico and nothing, I tested for another browser and the appearance is normal, I’m using updated Firefox, I don’t know what might be going on, can you send link here? If you do, I’ll send for you

  • I don’t know this rule about urls, the only one I know is that the answer cannot be in a url, because the website can go off the air and with that the answer too. Put there go. ;)

  • OK @Rubico, the url is, I’ve tried a lot and so far nothing

  • Here it’s working perfectly, I don’t have firefox (I’m in the service and can’t install). But maybe it’s a problem with your cache. I have suffered for hours with cache problem. Close the site tab, clear your cache and try to open again.

  • @Rubico seems that only this disfigured in Firefox, already cleaned the Cache and everything, continues like this... But thanks for the help and the time

  • @Victorgomes tested here on IE 11, Chrome 48 and Firefox 45 and all seem normal

  • Tested in firefox that is giving problem in both environments? What is online and what is local?

  • Thanks @Leandrogodoyrosa, only what is online, offline (local) is showing all normal, I hope it is only in my firefox that is giving this error

  • Are you using a Linux server? !

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