Sql server - default


Viewed 556 times


Good evening, I created a table to test the sql server default: inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

I did a select to see if the default values were entered but you can see in the image that this did not occur. When does it enter these default values? I thought these values were entered when null or empty values were passed. Another problem is that the date entered was 1900 and this only happens in this case, because if I pass getDate() in Insert the date to save will be the current.

  • I saw that the default value is inserted if you do not pass the fields containing the default, in this case the name and date.

2 answers


When you insert '' in the database , he NAY understands this as valor não informado and yes as string vazia . So in the varchar field it stores the empty string and in the date field it converts to 1900-01-01.

As you did not inform the order of the fields and which fields will be inserted in your Insert it follows the order of your table. Example:

If you do insert into [testes5] (nome) values ('josé') the date field will receive the getdate().

If you do insert into [testes5] (data) values ('2015-01-01') name field will receive the padrão.

or if you want to do Insert without informing the order and entered fields as tried can do

insert into [testes5] values (default,default)
  • Exactly, I noticed this. I posted an answer practically at the same time as you rs. I thought passing empty or null would cause the default value to be entered. Thanks!

  • Cool ! Completing the answer a little bit , a situation that the default might be quite useful is when you add a new column in your table that does not allow null and the table is already populated.

  • Got it. You could change a null column to not null using the default?

  • I think not, I would do the following, update table set column = default Where column is null . To then change the column not to accept nulll


CREATE TABLE [testes5] (
  `nome` varchar(255) DEFAULT 'Padrão',
  `data` date DEFAULT getdate()

INSERT INTO [testes5] (nome, data) VALUES (DEFAULT, DEFAULT)

SELECT * FROM [testes5]

If you specify a value without string or NULL, it will be recognized as blank or null instead of unspecified, causing the default value not to be inserted.

  • I don’t think you understand my question. My question was whether passed null or empty values registered the default value or in which cases these values would be entered. I saw that the default value is inserted if you do not pass the fields that contain the default in the Insert. Anyway, it was worth.

  • Exactly! ... Sorry for the misunderstanding, I forgot to explain in my reply. If you specify the column and value in INSERT (independent if it has no string or is NULL) SQL will recognize that as a blank value, that is: You specified a value for that column, so the default value will not be inserted. Updated response!

  • No problem, thanks a lot!

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