Problem with JPA


Viewed 142 times


Classes and persistence.xml below. The problem is: entityManager is Coming NULL.

    public class PessoaController{
    private List<Pessoa> pessoas = new ArrayList<Pessoa>();

    public PessoaController() {
        new PessoaHome().findById(1);

    public List<Pessoa> getPessoas(){
        return pessoas;
    public void setPessoas(List<Pessoa> pessoas){
        this.pessoas = pessoas;


public class PessoaHome {

private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(PessoaHome.class);

private EntityManager entityManager;

public void persist(Pessoa transientInstance) {
    log.debug("persisting Pessoa instance");
    try {
        log.debug("persist successful");
    } catch (RuntimeException re) {
        log.error("persist failed", re);
        throw re;

public void remove(Pessoa persistentInstance) {
    log.debug("removing Pessoa instance");
    try {
        log.debug("remove successful");
    } catch (RuntimeException re) {
        log.error("remove failed", re);
        throw re;

public Pessoa merge(Pessoa detachedInstance) {
    log.debug("merging Pessoa instance");
    try {
        Pessoa result = entityManager.merge(detachedInstance);
        log.debug("merge successful");
        return result;
    } catch (RuntimeException re) {
        log.error("merge failed", re);
        throw re;

public Pessoa findById(int id) {
    log.debug("getting Pessoa instance with id: " + id);
    try {
        Pessoa instance = entityManager.find(Pessoa.class, id);
        log.debug("get successful");
        return instance;
    } catch (RuntimeException re) {
        log.error("get failed", re);
        throw re;

<persistence-unit name="postgresDS" transaction-type="JTA">

        <property name="hibernate.dialect" value="org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect"/>      
        <property name="hibernate.transaction.manager_lookup_class" value="org.hibernate.transaction.JBossTransactionManagerLookup"/>

        <property name="hibernate.show_sql" value="false"/>
        <property name="hibernate.format_sql" value="false"/>

        <property name="" value="none" />


  • 1

    Could you translate your title and question to English?

  • 1

    Please next time do not post in English.

  • Which application server are you deploying to? Post your datasource to us (postgresDS). One thing I noticed is that your datasource has the same name as your PU.

  • @Ricardogiaviti also noticed this detail, but I’m not sure if this is the mistake. Felipe, you already tried to change the name of your PU to something else?

  • As @Ricardogiaviti said, what is your application server? Another thing, you put the Datasource reference on the web.xml?

1 answer


Add unitName in the annotation PersistenceContext.

Thus remaining:

@PersistenceContext(unitName = "postgresDS")
private EntityManager entityManager;
  • If persistence.context has only one declaration, by default, it is not necessary to add the name. He couldn’t even call the project if that was the reason.

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