How to round a decimal number to another nearest decimal?


Viewed 43 times


So people are having a hard time creating a discount calculator. For example: I want a number x = 2,27 turn 2.3 and x = 2,24 stay 2.2.

How to do this?

  • This may also be useful:

  • A simple way is you create a variable of type decimal to receive these values and when presenting them you use the function ToString(), looks something like this: variable declaration decimal numero = 0; attribution of the value to it numero = 1.33M; obtaining the rounded value: MessageBox.Show(numero.ToString("N1")); //Resultado: 1,3, another example: numero = 1.35M; outworking: MessageBox.Show(numero.ToString("N1")); //Resultado: 1,4

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