WCF Restful Https for a Single Method


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I have a WCF Restful that I am using for a mobile application, I need a single method, the payment, use HTTPS, I do not want to enable HTTPS for the entire service because some methods return a large amount of data and would be too heavy for a mobile. Is that possible? How?

I wonder if you have any property or other way to allow this method to be accessed only when using a secure connection... Something like...

[WebInvoke(Method = "POST", UriTemplate = "/Disponibilidade", RequestFormat =     WebMessageFormat.Json, ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json)]
DisponibilidadeRS Disponibilidade(DisponibilidadeRQ request);
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1 answer


IIS at least lets both protocols (http, https) be enabled at the same time. If you have access to the server, one possibility, although not very elegant, is to use rewrite url rules' (http://www.iis.net/downloads/microsoft/url-rewrite) that intercepts the specific url and directs to https. So clients can use http at will for the rest of the site.

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