PHP give refresh on a page


Viewed 17,307 times


There’s a way to give refresh to a page in my example:

Page login > send data to the processa.php > sends to a menu

Sometimes when it gets to the lawsuit, it gets "stuck" and then I wanted to know a way that it didn’t happen.

Thank you

3 answers


If I understand correctly, this is simple to do with PHP:

header("Refresh: 0");

This will reload your current page, and if you need to redirect to another page, use the code below:

header("Refresh: 0; url=pagina2.php");

Note: A discussion on the same subject can be found (in English) in the link:

  • Solved. Thank you all for your help!


It would be something like:

header("Refresh: 20; url = menu.php");

You put Refresh at 20, if it crashes it will already come out


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