Desktop Friendly Web Application


Viewed 1,837 times


Fala galera

Well I want to create a web application, but it can be run on the desktop (or by url, but this would be the main one), when opening would pull directly the "url" of the application, as a normal web application, however it would be like a desktop software, without appearing tabs, url, without looking like a browser, directly to the application, but without ceasing to be a web application.

Similar to a shortcut that agent can create on the desktop by passing the url and opening always go straight to that site, but instead of being a shortcut, would open directly the software.

Examples you can give is like the game Runescape that can be played via browser or by a "browser" version for desktop, my friend commented that Steam is also similar.

However I don’t know how this works, if I need to create a new "browser", as if it were a browser for my application or something like that or if I create a web application normally and only mold it.

In a way that looks like desktop software to the max, but the only difference is that it runs on the web.

Someone who knows, can guide me in this?

2 answers


Most graphic libraries have components for uploading web pages, with support for css, sessão, javascript, etc... If you are developing in C++, the Qt graphical library has all the components you need.

I’ll send you some sample photos. inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

The images represent the same web application, one in the normal browser, and the other with a Webview library Qt

  • In this case would it be like the web browser component of windows Forms and WPF(C#)? The only difference will be that instead of running in the browser ran on the platform where it was made? In case I would use this language for back-end. I had thought about this component, but I thought I would lose the performance compared to a "native" web application, made in a conventional way.

  • @Red Web application no longer performs, and is horrible in terms of user interaction, so it makes no sense to worry about it. I’ve done things like that, but only because it was to integrate a legacy system in the web, which would not be possible to remake at that time, in a real system that did other tasks. This Brumazzi option is one of the most common and fastest to make this kind of improvisation. And breaking, you can add some features that wouldn’t only work on the web side, like using local machine identification, accessing serial devices, etc.

  • This is a very common practice, many mobile application companies use a webview to access their websites and others even make games.

  • I spent a couple of days researching what I was given here. So the "Webview" of "Qt" would be like the "web browser" of several others like Chromium. But I will not get to develop "web" within them, I will develop normally and then "shape" what I have already created within the chosen component and possibly use other features that I offer, I thought I would have how to develop direct(html, css, js inside) and run(web).

  • the framework qt creator has a feature for you to build a desktop application and export to web, just install the plugin.


Some options:

They are frameworks that allow you to develop a desktop application using web technologies (html, css, javascript), both three listed are basically Wrappers on top of Chromium. Note that these frameworks are for app development desktop, at first the entire application is on the user’s machine, but you could still do something like use a centralized database on a server with which the applications communicate/sync (Spotify and Steam desktop apps for example use CEF for user interface and all data is on external servers).

  • But in this way the application would not cease to be web? Losing the advantages that it offers. i do not like very web systems and as desktop no longer has so much market for some "advantages" that the web offers, I thought of joining the useful with the pleasant, creating an application that has the advantages of web and made with its normal tools(html,css,js) however very similar to desktop, but without losing anything web can provide, flexibility etc. Being kind of hybridized, runs on the web right but complements and access by desktop

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