Inheritance X Composition - Mysql C# Entity


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There was a doubt of inheritance modeling in C# involving the entities Pessoa, Pessoafísica and Pessoalegal, but Gypsy Morrison Mendez helped a lot! Now I have another question in another type of relationship. As I said, a person can be physical or legal. A person can still be a customer and/or supplier. And the customer can have related services. Follow the modeling:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

The models in the code stayed:

public class pessoa

    public int idPessoa { get; set; }

    public string nomeRazaoSocial { get; set; }

    public virtual fornecedor fornecedor { get; set; }

    public virtual cliente cliente { get; set; }


public class pessoafisica : pessoa

    public string cpf { get; set; }


public class pessoajuridica : pessoa
    public string cnpj { get; set; }


public class cliente
    [Key, ForeignKey("pessoa")]
    public int idPessoa { get; set; }

    public virtual pessoa pessoa { get; set; }


public class fornecedor

    [Key, ForeignKey("pessoa")]
    public int idPessoa { get; set; }

    public virtual pessoa pessoa { get; set; }

So far everything worked well... the interaction with the bank for registration, editing and consultation is great. However, when it comes to registering the services I have a flea behind my ear. Conceptually speaking. I connected the customer service and my class stayed:

public class servico
    public int idServico { get; set; }

    public int idCliente { get; set; }

    public string descricao { get; set; }

    public virtual cliente cliente { get; set; }

Clearly a Personal Physique is an inherited class of Person, just as Personal is an inherited class of Person. Therefore, if I had a table for people’s addresses, in the address table I would use the key from the Person table to maintain the relationship. A person will always be OR personal OR personal.

Now there is another question... from the Supplier and Customer. A person MAY OR MAY NOT BE A SUPPLIER... MAY OR MAY NOT BE A CUSTOMER. And it may be both or it may not be either.

Although a customer or supplier ALWAYS is a person, the Service entity may only be associated with a Customer and never with a supplier (at least in this application).

Here comes the first question... for this desired concept, this modeling is correct? The keys in the tables, cardinality... this is right?

Second doubt...

I understand that in the Service table the relationship key idClient should contain the primary key of the Client table, not the primary key of the Pessoa table. THAT CONCEPT IS CORRECT?

Following the valuable help of Gypsy, I set up these classes and in the service registration controller filling out the customer list was like this:

ViewBag.idCliente = new SelectList(db.cliente
                                            .Include(c => c.pessoa)
                                            .Select (c => new
                                                idCliente = c.idPessoa,
                                                nomeRazaoSocial = c.pessoa.nomeRazaoSocial
                                            }).ToList(), "idCliente", "nomeRazaoSocial");

The application works, but when registering in the database, the idClient field of the service table receives the idPessoa field of the person table. And it’s making me uncomfortable...

Should not the idClient field of the service table have the idClient field, which is the primary key of the Client table? If so, how should I adjust my classes to make it work?

Thank you all for your help!

  • It’s weird in there. How’s the View?

  • I put the view, Gypsy! I think the service class that has something. When I followed your suggestion, in the client class did not have the attribute idCliente. Only idPessoa with the notation [Key, Foreignkey("person")]. But to make the customer relationship 1 : no service need to have the idClient in the service, correct? But if you don’t have the client class, it doesn’t work... are these mappings correct? Thank you for the strength!

2 answers


Thanks for the force, Gypsy!

Modeling had a problem. Essentially, the client table should have as primary key and foreign key the idpessoa field:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Before, she had seen the primary key as a foreign key. Thus, the bank suffered a violation by placing the person on the table.

The classes stayed as the gypsy spoke:

public class pessoa
    public int idpessoa { get; set; }

    public string nome { get; set; }

    public virtual cliente cliente { get; set; }


public class pessoafisica : pessoa

    public string cpf { get; set; }


public class pessoajuridica : pessoa

    public string cnpj { get; set; }


public class cliente
    [Key, ForeignKey("pessoa")]
    public int idpessoa { get; set; }

    public string codigo { get; set; }

    public virtual ICollection<servico> servico { get; set; }

    public virtual pessoa pessoa { get; set; }

public class servico
    public int idservico { get; set; }

    public int idpessoa { get; set; }

    public string descricao { get; set; }

    public virtual cliente cliente { get; set; }

In summary: in a relationship of cardinality 0...1, as in the case of the client with person, use as the primary key And foreign key of the dependent table the id of the main entity.


Its composition is incorrect. Cliente 0 to 1 or 1 to 1 ratio Pessoa. As I said in the previous answer, the right thing would be for you to do:

public class cliente
    // Cliente não deve ter Id própria. Apenas idPessoa.
    // [Key]
    // public int idCliente {get; set;}

    [Key, ForeignKey("pessoa")]
    public int idPessoa { get; set; }

    public int idCliente_Grupo { get; set; }

    public virtual cliente_grupo cliente_grupo { get; set; }

    public virtual pessoa pessoa { get; set; }

    public virtual ICollection<servico> servico { get; set; }

The same goes for Fornecedor.

Just as an addendum, I wouldn’t use Linq to assemble the query because Linq’s lazy/anticipated load support is limited. I would do so:

ViewBag.idCliente = new SelectList(db.Clientes
                                     .Include(c => c.Pessoa)
                                     .Select(c => new
                                          idCliente = c.idPessoa,
                                          nomeRazaoSocial = c.Pessoa.nomeRazaoSocial
                                      }).ToList(), "idCliente", "nomeRazaoSocial");

Is this modeling correct? The keys in the tables, cardinality... that’s right?

With your modifications, yes. Perfect, I’d say.

I understand that on the table Servico the relationship key idCliente must contain the primary key of the table Cliente, and not the table’s primary key Pessoa. THAT CONCEPT IS CORRECT?

Yes, but as the key to Cliente is the key to Pessoa (because Cliente is, by composition, a specialisation of Pessoa), is the same.

If you want to keep the name idCliente in modeling, no problem. It’s even better because you explain by nomenclature as Servico relates to Cliente.

The field idCliente table Servico should not have the field idCliente, which is the primary key of the table Cliente?

Not. idCliente conceptually is equivalent to idPessoa, precisely because Cliente is the specialization of Pessoa, by composition. Therefore, it is correct to assemble the SelectList with the idPessoa because the selection of data Cliente, and not of Pessoa, already checking, thus, whether Pessoa is a Cliente or not.

  • Hi Gypsy! Thanks for the help! The cardinality is Person 0 : 1 Customer. That is, a customer is always a person. But the person is not always a customer. I only put the id on the client because the service entity has to be customer related. A customer can have 0 or n services. So my question was how to model the service class. This your suggestion for Viewbag.idClient that you gave is not working because the client entity does not have the attribute idClient... so I had tried to put...

  • It really is. There is an error in the answer. Otherwise, about this: "That is, a customer is always a person. But not always the person is a customer. ", the answer fits perfectly. See now, after editing.

  • So it works, gypsy... but from what I understand the service table should keep as foreign key the customer id and not the person id. The relational model works like this, doesn’t it? I improved the question... what I asked makes sense? How do I solve my class? Once again, thank you!

  • No, because the only way to ensure that Pessoa has only one record related to Cliente is making the primary key of Cliente also be foreign key with Pessoa. I’ll improve the answer by answering your questions.

  • But there is a problem in the database. In the BD model, the service table has the idClient field as a foreign key for the client table. When trying to place a value of the person’s id in this field, it generates the non-existent foreign key error. Ex: a person has idPessoa 2. In the client table, he has the respective field idPessoa = 2 but has the field idCliente = 1 (Prim key). When the system tries to register in the service table the value 2 in the idClient field, there is no value 2 in the Client table, generating a foreign key violation error. So there’s something wrong with the comic book or the class.

  • I’m gonna say it one more time: idCliente and idPessoa need to be the same thing, otherwise it doesn’t work. If a Pessoa is Cliente and their Ids are different, your modeling is wrong. Expert?

  • Thanks for the patience, gypsy... the modeling wasn’t perfect, now I found the inconsistency.

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