How to open a meditation in c#


Viewed 67 times


I have a class ZipFile in my project. In it there is a method called ExtractAll, which is the method used in my file extraction routine. I need to look at this method(if possible), because when I extract the zip file, and I have a pasta with several pastas inside. This folder is like this:

ws -> tiss -> v3 -> 02 -> 00

In the folder 00 there is only one file and that is the last folder of unzip and when this happens, the last file, from the last folder, from the last sequence is not being extracted. Can you open the class or not? There is a solution to this?

  • Use a tool such as the Reflector ( to open the . dll containing that class

  • Take a look at this question:

  • 1

    @Marciano.Andrade, your comment solved my need. If post as response, I vote and end the post.

1 answer


One way to visualize a dll method is by using a decompiler, such as the Reflector.

To understand a little more about decompilers, I suggest you take a look at this question here: What is Reverse Engineering?

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