Intel XDK / Cordova: 'Contactfindoptions' is not defined


Viewed 96 times


I am trying to simulate a contact listing with Intel XDK. However it is not working, error appears:

Contactfindoptions' is not defined

I installed the plugin Contacts from Cordova in the Project, but the problem persists, follow images:

-- Plugins: SS

-- Object instance and error message: SS

This way the application is not working, obviously.

Does it have something to do with those permissions READ_CONTACT and the others?

  • The intel XDK already comes with a tool to access the agenda. Failed to use it?

  • I am following a tutorial and needed to install the plugin Contacts Cordova. So, I’m still a little layy, I don’t know about this tool you’re talking about. How to use it?

  • Take a look at this link: Take advantage of and visit the other things this Indian’s tutorial addresses.

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