Import class that is not inside an eclipse project


Viewed 2,173 times


I wonder if there is a way to import and instantiate an object of a class that is, for example, inside a folder in my files and not in a project inside the eclipse.

2 answers


I’m sure they were.

There are at least 3 options:

The simplest is:

Select project > Properties > Java Build Path > Libraries tab > Click Add External Class Folder > Select folder.

  • Exactly that, but what I needed was a way to do this import without using Wizard, by clicking and selecting. Automatically do it by code

  • You can edit the . classpath after creating the project. It does not use Wizard, but it is not elegant.


In order to instantiate an object of this class, it needs:

  1. be a class in your project or
  2. Be on your project’s dependency list
  • In addition to the form I mentioned below, you can also use Eclipse Classpath and Link with an external folder.

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